Sept petits caprices
Order of the Toulouse Conservatory.
Duration : env. 8′
Publisher : Editions Leduc
1. In a reserved, almost timorous sweetness
2. Sententious
3. Joyfully
4. With simplicity
5. Furious
6. Allergic
7. Dozing
Commissioned by the Conservatory of Toulouse (Marc Bleuse, Director), these 7 pieces should have born the name of the 7 small characters of a famous tale.
But as their nicknames were not invented by brothers Grimm, it had been necessary for their use to pay colossal royalties to the studios which had realized the adaptation of the tale in cartoon.
The indications of character, placed at the head of each of the pieces (cf. higher) are explicit enough. Better: it remains finally the pleasure of the riddle.