Prière (Prayer)

Soprano, violin and piano
Duration : env 3′
Poem by Victor Hugo
« Je respire où tu palpites » (in « Les Contemplations »)

First performance on November 26th 2017 in S-Remi Church of Rombas
by Victoria Jung, Hector Burgan and Mathilde Nguyen

Video : Victoria Jung, Hector Burgan, Gaspard Dehaene (St-Gervais church)

To get the scores, send an email to the association Alcmène : Contact

The poem

I Breathe Where Your Heart Beats (extr.)

I breathe where your heart beats,
You know; what good is
Staying here if you leave me,
And live if you go away?

What do you want me to become
If I can no longer hear your steps?
Is it your life or mine
Who leaves? I don’t know.

What will I say to the wistful wood
Who used to lit your softness?
What will I answer the rose
Asking : “Where is my sister?”

What will I do, alone, wild,
Without you, of the day and the skies,
Of my kisses without your mouth
And of my tears without your eyes?

(Victor Hugo « Les Contemplations »)