Patrick Burgan wins the Professor’s Prize
At the 20th Grand Prix Lycéen des Compositeurs

Prize ceremony on 4th april 2019 at the Auditorium of Radio-France, with Jean-Claude Casadesus, Michel Orier, Marc Voinchet, Benoît Duteurtre, etc.

The works of Patrick Burgan selected by the jury :

Les Spirituelles (3 extracts) :

Ich denke dein (Friederike Brun)

Being and Breath (Emily Brontë)

Jeune fille poëte (Marie-Laure Grouard)

Extracts of CD Cantique des cantiques/Les Spirituelles
Editor Ad Vitam Records

The female q
uartett Méliades in concert :

Les Spirituelles (extr. Brontë)

Les Spirituelles (extr. Brun)